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My election campaign: focus on social media marketing


So as you might already know I’ve enrolled for State Duma elections 2011 in Russia and going to represent interests of «Fair Russia» party. This post is about the strategy I’ve put down the election campaign that is mainly based on working with social media marketing  that is actively used by different politicians. I’ve decided to build my campaign, focusing on tools that I use in daily life — social media technologies.

So, the key weapon here is my personal web-site that explains my participation  in  elections. I’ve decided to make this site as a independent platform for communication and comments in order not to confuse this political initiative and activitiy with my personal blog  (alenapopova.ru / alenapopova.com that is dedicated to eGov services, women and social entrepreneurship in Russia and other countries) and to discuss in greater details my principal views on participation in elections, presenting Fair Russia party and what measures, project I’m ready to suggest.  The web-site candidate.alenapopova.ru is based on three main principles: Promise Action Suggestion. 

My suggestions mainly reflect all experiences and practices that I’d attempted to promote to authorities. So you may find all gov 2.0 services that I support and that are mainly initiated by Novosibirsk citizens. The aim of these actions is to gain popularity after its launch and attract  new consumers to useservices. And finally the key part  is to make them work efficiently not only before but after elections whatever results are.In my opinion, the most interesting projects that are presented on the web-site are «Fair Budget» and «Change your city».

«Fair Budget» is a special project that was created based on usage of open data of region budget for 2011. All budget items are counted (with percentage from total budget) and published in appropriate form for users. Anyone could use one of 3 bottons: agree with this rate, or decide to add more or less money into it. This is the way we could see how citizens want the budget to be in reality. And also user can leave a comment on any item if he thinks that amount of money spend on this or that item should be either decreased or increased.
Another project that requires attention is «Change your city» that is visualized  on crowdmap platform that allows all citizens to leave their suggestions and «rebuild» Novosibirsk city by moving  or cleaning up buildings, monuments, departments and other objects  within Novosibirsk city.
One more project called «Novosibirsk Heroes»  that accumulated  all interesting ideas and social problems from region citizens that present their proposals what autorities or people themselves should do in order to make lives better. And any visitor of the site could vote for any suggestion from her/his fellows.
As you might see  my website is built on two-way communication principles and proposes the fact that each of us — simple users or experts in eGov, politics, social issues could contribute by providing valuable feedback.
Moreover, this website is not about just propaganda or PR, it is my real vision of what is going on before, during and after election campaign. I used to write about little stories that happened to me in the Elevator, now I’m sincerily talking about myself in the political life, changes that should be undertaken in my «Personal diary».
Another tool that I actively use in my election campaign is social networks. We’ve created Facebook Virtual Headquarter that doesn’t concern party activity but mostly dedicated to my personal contribution to politics  and also to general idea that I could become the first candidate from Runet in the State Duma as I’ve already gained popularity among online users and by now I’m focusing on with working with this audience, trying to receive their feedback, suggestions and opinions.
I believe that all these means will help me to get through and build favorable relations with voters and motivate them to take part during elections, as my final aim of this campaign is to encourage people to take an action, create new services, generate ideas that could make our lives better.

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