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E-government digest

Today we launch our new project – we’ll try to collect here all of the news about development of e-government in Russia.
Russian Federation, as we all know, is the largest country in the world and consists of 8 federal districts, which combine the 83 regions of the federation. That is the most important feature of our country which influences the development of the e-government there.
The e-government development processes in the Russian regions take place unevenly; the model of interaction between levels of government in e-government is still in its forming stage.
The implementation of e-government is taking place in two ways: federal and regional.

As in other countries the Russian e-government development is taking place in several directions:

  • Organization of internal electronic workflow between various government authorities;
  • Providing the electronic government services to citizens and business segment;
  • Providing access to open public data via the government websites and the sites of state structures;
  • Moving of the officials into the web to start their official blogs and regional blogs;
  • Social and crowdsourcing projects implementation in the gov2.0 sector.

Once in a week we’ll publish the most important news of the e-government development in Russia, about new projects and achievements in that field.

You can read the all information within the eGov digest category.

E-government digest #1 November 16 – November 30, 2010

E-government digest #2 December 01 – December 07, 2010

E-government digest #3 December 08 – December 14, 2010

E-government digest #4 December 15, 2010 – January 27, 2011

E-government digest #5 March, 2011 – April 14, 2011