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Февраль 2025
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A new aim means a new challenge! Enrolling for the State Duma elections


There are no doubts that I’m kind of person that likes to set up new goals and reach significant achievements. So by now I have great and serious news to share — I’ve enrolled for upcoming elections to the State Duma in Russia., presenting «Fair Russia» party interests. As for me it sounds exciting and at the same time very challenging, but I’m ready to take all risks. And I’m willing to do my best in order to improve our legislation that would lead to positive changes in our country. What steps have I taken already?

First and furemost, it is important to see myself  as the first candidate for the State Duma elections that is going to represent the opinions, interests, ideas of Russian web-users. Why am I actually  positioning myself in that way? The answer is concealed in the fact that firstly, while being an active blogger for a couple of years I’ve been learnt how to  build relations via social media marketing and I realize that the certain differences that exist between online audience and offline users.  Second reason for using Internet users as a key audience in my elections campaign is that about a half of population of the region (Novosibirsk) I’m going to present, are online users and what is more interesting this audience usually is apathetic towards politics and elections.That’s why I think it is very important to take this  feature into account and election campaign strategy and consequently motivate online users to raise the voice, express their proactive positions regarding different political/social issues. And I’m sure this communication process will definitely empower voters as a separate unit and give me as a candidate a chance to represent their interests, rights, attitudes in the State Duma.

In order to dwell on efficient work with Russian online users I’ve created a two-way communication within several online channels:

  • the official blog/web-site  about insight/plans/suggestions of what changes I could bring while being elected in the State Duma;
  • Facebook Page that represents a virtual campaign hearquaters that on the one hand represents my personal insight and strivings and the same time allows different people could gather together and discuss their points of view that further could serve as a foundation for new amendments and etc.
  • Working with other Russian social networks;

I’m going to talk about every channel in greater detail in my next post, while here I’d like to underlie that I want to be the one who encourage people to believe that together we could make real changes. But these changes would be possible only provided strongest and serious interaction with each other, open dialogue. That is why I hope that such way of  online communication will lead to success and mutual public good. While I also think that the only thing that I could promise to myself is that I won’t alter my views regarding that all words should be fulfilled and proved by certain deeds and actions.

Let’s do it together! If you’re interested in getting more information about my campaign, please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave your comments!

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