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Январь 2025
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The supervisor of Russian Silicon valley in Skolkovo become a Nobel laureate Jaures Alferov


The Russian Silicon Valley already have its General Manager — Viktor Vekselberg, now she picked Supervisor — Nobel Laureate, the State Duma Deputy Jaures Alferov.

Deputy Head of Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov told that Scientific and Technical Council will be formed in Skolkovo project. It will include both Russian and foreign scientists, engineers and experts.

Academician Alferov received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2000. Nearly 20 years, until 2006, he led the St. Petersburg Physico-Technical Institute,he is  actively engaging in politics: he is a deputy since 1989 (with a small break).

7 Responses to “The supervisor of Russian Silicon valley in Skolkovo become a Nobel laureate Jaures Alferov”

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