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Январь 2025
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Russian-American conference on innovation


US-Russia dialogue on innovation took place on Monday via videoconference. It was attended by representatives of government agencies and private industry in the USA and Russia, — said Mike Hammer, the official representative of the National Security Council at the White House. Among the main themes he outlined the «e-government and innovation economy«.
«This virtual meeting continues the policy of President Obama in the interaction, establish relations between government and non-governmental actors, as well as between the U.S. and Russia societies as a whole», — Mike Hammer stressed.

M. Hammer noted that the videoconference was conducted in the development of a recent trip to Russia, the U.S. delegation, known as #RusTechDel, comprising representatives from the U.S. administration, as well as executives of major American technology companies and so-called social media. They were discussing with their partners in Russia towards strengthening and expanding bilateral ties with new information tools and technologies. The delegation was in Moscow and Novosibirsk.

The current videoconference featured «wider range» of its participants, which included  Russia’s Minister of Communications and Deputy Minister of Economic Development.  The White House believes that the dialogue was «unprecedented, not only in their format» and composition of participants, but also the way it» ideas for collaboration between public and private sectors of both countries.»

M. Hammer reported that the chief technologist of the White House «as a first step, agreed to work with the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communication on the creation of a network platform» through which officials of the United States and Russia, heads of private companies entrepreneurs, investors and technologists  will communicate and interact with each other.  This  platform is expected to help them in implementing joint projects. In addition, participants og the dialogue also agreed to consider mechanisms to promote innovation.


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