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Январь 2025
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Roger Kornberg: Co-Chair in Skolkovo


Prominent American biochemist and professor of structural biology at Stanford University, Nobel Prize in 2006, Roger David Kornberg will be the co-chair of the scientific-technical council in Skolkovo.

«This is a great honor for Russia. We are pleased that a renowned scholar accepted the invitation of Russian side,» — said the head of the working group Skolkovskoye project, the first deputy head of presidential administration Vladislav Surkov.

Kornberg candidacy was proposed by co-chair of scientific and technical advice, a Nobel laureate Jaures Alferov

Research Kornberg lie at the junction of chemistry, genetics, biology, and therefore  Alferov’s offer to work in the project  is quite logical, since one of the directions of modernization of the Russian economy, identified by the President of Russia, is the development of biomedical technologies

Kornberg’s participating in the project  is the first but very important step in attracting outstanding foreign scientists to  the project

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