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Сентябрь 2024
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How many languages should be available in the government websites?


Once again, the press examines spending money on public projects in the network, as written in Slon article «800 million flowed into the Network»
Revision Slon.ru reviewed available information on contracts for online projects that the Russian government agencies have concluded the total amount of more than 800 million rubles in the period from 2008 to March 2010. The most expensive, at 70.2 million rubles, was made with RIA Novosti on the new version of Internet portal of the Government of Russia. And, without competitive procedures.

Slon’s remarque to the article ade me smile:«… so, for example, the project of doubtful utility, as the creation of Spanish-and Arabic-language version of the website the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Perhaps in the comments to this material you specify something else like that, or, conversely, will correct us. «

Concerning the multi-linguistics in public sites: the weekend a lot of communicating with foreign experts on Gov2.0 in preparation for round table on the RIF: all in one voice said that government sites MUST should take into account all the languages that are prevalent in this country.

One Response to “How many languages should be available in the government websites?”

  1. Hello Anna

    I think the national language is a must. Beyond that, several ethnic languages may be appropriate. But they should provide basic information and not necessarily everything. After that, translation services should be available to those who wish to understand more. That is the Australian approach.

    In Australia, there is one national language, English, but many government sites offer between five and ten other languages (such as Vietnamese, Chinese, German, Italian, French, Arabic, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Greek, etc). Very few Indigenous (Aboriginal) languages are offered, I suppose because they are verbal rather than written languages.

    Language is a political and social issue, so it is always fraught with difficulties.Centralizing nationalist sentiment pushes towards one language while inclusive (and sometimes expansionary) sentiment pushes towards multi-lingualism.

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