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Февраль 2025
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eGov2.0 final release or why the practical experience is better.


On November 26 we had the first e-government conference taken in Moscow.  This is the first event which is case-study based, the best practices were demonstrated there.

The total number of participants: 273 persons, 80% are authorities’ officials and 20% are experts.

There were 52 reports made on the next subjects:

  • Providing of electronic public services in education and healthcare.
  • Providing of electronic public services in the social welfare areas, transport, housing, safety and construction.
  • Authorities 2.0. Social media usage by public officials.
  • Social initiatives, crowdsourcing and non-government projects.

The conference was attended by representatives of the authorities from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tolyatti, Kostroma, Samara, Pskov, Tver, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Kursk, Astrakhan, Sverdlovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk Region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Perm, Krasnoyarsk territories, the Republic of Tatarstan, Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Komi, Republic of Udmurtia, Republic of Khakassia. You can see the full list here

Our objectives were: to gather the best implemented practices in the field of e-government in Russia; to discuss cooperation opportunities between regions; to understand which projects we could multiply in different regions of country and how can we lower the budget costs on e-government development at the regions and towns level.

A unique section of the conference is the presentation of the most successful e-gov social projects: Russian-fires.ru, pravo.ru, nepofigizm.ru, goslyudi.ru, streetjournal.org and others, as well as the discussion of a logical crowdsourcing model for more effective interaction between officials and citizens within the e-government projects.

We didn’t discuss any theory but only practical experience, projects pros and cons and their improvement options. We had a whole list of recommendations elaborated in the social project sector – how to create and develop the e-gov projects within towns and regions. At the moment the event managers are preparing a large analytical data with projects estimates and options for projects’ multiplication within towns and regions based on the needs of particular subject of Russian Federation. The analytical report will be released shortly.

Alena Popova – program director of the conference: “We must estimate practical steps currently being made in the e-government area in the regions. And not only assessment, but also recommendation for that projects development, costs reduction, efficiency improvement, transfer the audience from negative into a positive. Transition from the model: “I’m a citizen, and I’m criticizing everything severely” into a model “I’m a citizen and I take responsibility and suggest things”.  At the conference we also had a discussion of the global analogues of many projects that have also were gathered for the conference. This is also very useful and helps to avoid a lot of errors being made in the past by such projects. In the near future we will announce a number of practical events on the subject. We believe that it’s the only way to create real working mechanisms. I’m in a favor to discuss precisely the practical experience and not just words.”

All the presentations are now available at the conference website. You can view and download them here – gov2russia.ru

We’ve made the photos available in the photo section of the website.

3 Responses to “eGov2.0 final release or why the practical experience is better.”

  1. […] On November 26 the first Russian eGov 2.0 conference has been held. You can read about results here Tags: e-Government digest This entry was posted on Понедельник, Ноябрь […]

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