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Ноябрь 2024
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Female bloggers or the role of women in Russian Web


Before I’ve come up with the final idea what exactly I’m going to write about this time, a couple of weeks ago I came across the article that was called “Female encourages Web  to grow.” That it is really so, according to the print edition “Internet in figures” 65% of web-users are women. There is no doubt that there are more women in social networks as they and we behave more active in them. And maybe that’s why among top-20 best Facebook pages, 11 of them belong to women.

Let me share with you TOP stories of female bloggers in Russian Web.

Let’s start from the best HR person in Russian Web — Alena Vladimirskaya . I’ve known Alena for a long time. She is a very smart, intelligent and hard-working person. While working for mail.ru, she was looking for employees for her company. Later she founded here own HR-agency that was promoted via social media only.

Vero4ka Polozkova is known as the most famous Russian Web poet. I remember the times when my colleagues read pieces from her poems, saying that “That girl is going to be the most popular poet in Russia.” And this turned to be true as Vera has 21 600 of web friends now. That definitely helped her to issue several books, win prestigious awards. And even I’m not fond of poetry, from time to time I like to check what is going on Vera blog, what are her thoughts today.

There is one more active media person — Tina Kandelaki. I like her for public initiatives that she’s taken and for the way she speaks with  the audience. Although Tina has achieved the popularity in social media mostly due to her celebrity image and background, she is a good example for those who don’t know how to build an image, what types of actions take and what the purpose of being an active member in the Web. Tina knows the means of efficient communication in social media and that’s her key to success.

Let’s consider other personalities whom we definitely couldn’t call media people in real life. You’re going to ask how is the leading start-upper in Russia? I will answer, it is Elena Maslova. According to Forbes Lena is now in TOP-30 of very important persons. Elena is mainly writing about business stuff in a critical or funny way. She uses a blog as a tool for information exchange or receiveing feedback, she doesn’t talk about herself too much.

I started doing this blog a year ago, I was looking through different topics to cover and finally chose the most interesting and relevant about which I started writing about. Some time just passed and I realized that majority of web-users perceived me in relation to those topics I was writing about: startups, innovations, Gov 2.0. Blog also helped me to find successful niches for my projects, establish new contacts with interesting people. What I learnt is that you should not only listen to what people say about you, your initiates, but you should learn about their preferences, ideas and recommendations. And then I came to conclusion about the main advantage of Web –  the opportunity to unite everyone. Taken into account the basic principle – to unite everyone under the scope of topics and projects I’ve been interested in – I decided to create such united web-platforms as: StartUp Afisha – a service that is aimed at to integrate all Russian start-uppers; gov2project.ru – a web-platform where all civilian projects concerning eGov in Russia are being collected, Startup Women – virtual incubator for Russian women IT-entrepreneurs. And what is interesting in my opinion, is that almost all my partners or colleagues are women.

And if I’m going to talk about the role of the female in the Web, I would make a list of the successful projects performed by women much longer, as there are a lot of interesting cases that were, are, will be encouraged by female audience. And that’s logical. One day I was arguing  with one sociologist’s who blamed women’s blogs for its extreme expressiveness. And what’s then? As I was always thinking that the time when the Web would be emotional is just on the corner. As brands evolve due to consumers’ emotional attachments (for example Nike sell not only sneakers, but such feelings as Drive) so does World Wide Web, particularly those projects, blogs that should have this emotional variable.

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