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First State Search Engine in RuNet


The government is seriously pondering the idea of a national search engine

A year in RuNet may appear first state search engine. The government is interested in the idea of creating a national search engine offered by the deputy head of presidential administration Vladislav Surkov. Exclusively Russian investors will fund the development of of anational search engine.

The state is interested in creating a «company, not less influential than» Yandex «, but without the participation of foreign shareholders. «Unlike existing systems, the new one should be more focused on state needs, including providing access to secure information to filter sites with prohibited content «, — one source says.

As it  was planned State is going to  attract future national champion in the field of communication — «Rostelecom». Among the players who may be involved in the project is the developer of software — ABBYY, a well-known by its electronic dictionaries Lingvo and recognition system documentation Fine Reader.

«It is estimated that only the creation of such a system is planned to invest up to $ 100 million. Financing could begin this year»

One Response to “First State Search Engine in RuNet”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alena Popova, Oleg Binzar. Oleg Binzar said: Another government take over RT@alenapopova: First State Search #Engine in RuNet http://bit.ly/bdatmU #russia #yandex […]

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