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Февраль 2025
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Moscow citizens would receive special electronic cards during next year.


Moscow citizens would receive the special electronic cards starting the year 2011. This card will become a substitution for health insurance policies, pension insurance certificate, tickets and will be an ID for different public services. This was stated by the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin at the meeting of the Moscow City Duma on Wednesday during the discussion of the draft budget of Moscow in 2011.

This new universal card would keep all the opportunities of todays «Moscow citizen’ social card» — said the mayor .

Transition to a universal electronic card will be carried out smoothly in a single year. «City program «Electronic Moscow» will be updated in the near future, — said Sobyanin. The program priorities would be set to: provision of more than 60 most popular government services, providing of online interaction between the services involved in the calculation of social benefits, the creation of a unified geographic information system, as well as the maximum involvement of citizens in city management.

It was recently reported that Russian citizens can replace paper passports for internal identification cards and the government is also discussing the project of the consolidation of electronic passports with bank cards under the National Payment System.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin believes that Russia needs a universal card that would provide access to all public electronic services, and would be taken by all departments.

«Sberbank», «Bank of Moscow», «Uralsib» and «Ak Bars» created JSC «Universal electronic card«, which would create a single information and billing system for providing information and banking services.

One Response to “Moscow citizens would receive special electronic cards during next year.”

  1. Evangelina Richberg:

    Appreciate your inforamtion. It is just too greeeeat!

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