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Сентябрь 2024
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eGov Live or everything you should know about e-government


The idea of eGov Live project has emerged due to an enormous number of comments that were addressed to me: could you deliver the information about variety and locations of public services in a simple way?  How does society itself benefit from these projects? Why is everything concerning public services so complicated? Why isn’t that clear what kind of public services do exist in different regions? These and others types of questions stuck into my mind and encouraged me to create a project that would be able to find answers for almost questions.

What’s new and interesting we’ve got in eGov Live? First and furthermost, we’ve made a map, where everyone is welcomed to evaluate the  public services’ level (that differs in colors) in various Russian regions. This option was made to achieve two objectives: firstly, to capture the objective image of public services and secondly, to have an understanding what kind of services are already used by the society, which of them are the socially demanded.

Our second feature is providence of people’s rating system that represents a subjective evaluation of service quality made by each individually. We’ve decided to create a map in two modes to provide us with both data official version and people’s  insight .

We also propose a useful service called  «Officials in social network», where we’re collecting all social accounts and profiles of officials on Twitter, Facebook and others to facilitate information search of a particular officer in a region or according to its specialization. A wide list of civilian projects that was being collected in framework of Gov2People.ru is also introduced in our new project as well as we include all media stories that have connection to government presence in the Web. Within the framework of the project we’re going to conduct round tables and video conferences that would be open and free for everyone.

The most important project’s objective is to establish stable work and relations with regions and its ministries. We see eGov Live to become an integrated resource that will be the first to let people know about how e-government develops in this or that regions. Thus, the purpose of the project – to produce an efficient two-way communication tool that would be useful for both sides: those who develops eGov and those people who consume these services (the society).

At this stage we very appreciate your comments and feedback. We want to improve the level of eGov development in our country, so we rely on your support and  knowledge. Share your opinion about this project. Thanks!!!


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