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Февраль 2025
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E-services in Tyumen


This article will dedicated to Tyumen Region of Russian Federation with wide-spread government services in electronic form for citizens.

Information System «NetSchool» has been  installed in 289 schools in region. 17 medical institutions have begun to use electronic modules «Registry», in the field of utilities services are provided in electronic format «Personal Cabinet».

Most of the region’s population (63%) know about electronic services of the government, the need for such services is significant. Nearly half of residents believe that such services are relevant to the health and utilities.

The main reason why people want to use electronic public services — is getting rid of the queue, bureaucracy and inconvenient work schedule service organizations.

In a number of pilot schools a system of electronic accounting will operate and parents will be able to access it. Module «Reception» in health care settings can reduce the recording time to see a doctor, and its further development from the beginning of 2011 will enable the citizens themselves to make an appointment to doctors through information kiosks and the Internet.

With the «Personal cabinet» residents can obtain information on the personal account, make readings into account, to generate and print a single receipt for payment of housing services. To work with the resources to accomplish the federal law «On personal data», the citizen must personally get a login and password for any user locations.


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