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Февраль 2025
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Cyrillic domain «рф»


First Cyrillic domain «рф» was born on the night of 12 to 13 May 2010.  Two first sites — президент.рф and правительство.рф were launched.

CEO and president of the Internet Corporation for specialized names and Numbers (ICANN) Rod Beckstrom gave focal point for TLD domain administrator’s certificate of the first level.

Russia became the first country, which has received national country TLD. There is a preliminary reservation now. The first domain in the zone «рф» will appear with a number of bodies of state power sites. Output of commercial companies with sites in the zone «рф» is expected later. For them the priority reservation of domain names will continue until the autumn of 2010.

Before the names of Internet domains can be used only Latin. The problem, hampering input Cyrillic domain is search engines. Search engines do not see Cyrillic, something must be changed. Russian specialists are working on this problem

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