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Январь 2025
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eGov 2.0: to be continued…


First Russian Gov2.0 Conference — gov2russia.ru

We had a several month preparations for the conference we’d hold on Friday 26. The primary idea was to show off implemented projects in e-government in elevator pitch mode without idle talking. We already had some working projects in regions: sign up’s to civilian registrar’s and kindergartens, e-registry, payment of road fines via internet, etc.

The whole conference was divided into two parallel streams. The first one was completely devoted to government services (Topics: health, transportation, housing, education, construction, security). The second – e-bureaucrat and Gov 2.0

First stream was moderated by Katya Aksenova. The reporters were lacking of time (But Katia have to follow the regulation rules and speakers had to follow their 5-7 minutes time limits). Our objective was to understand which practical experience could be used in regions and how can we multiply it. How can we create a system for the regions to use the same methods and not to spend their budgets on re-creating the same service, how can we identify the efficiency criteria of such projects. You can read Katia’s report here.

I was in charge of the second stream. First of all I would like to thank the INSOR Russia for their help in organizing great speakers call and I would like to express my big gratitude to the reporters for their clear and logical reports about e-gov practices.

E-bureaucrat and social media usage by the government officials: starting from blog and towards the searching and hiring personnel via web, governor’s complaints book creation, authorities’ micro-blogs, etc. Participants

— Officials-bloggers: case studies on issues and the “complaints-to-offer” model usage. My obvious question was when they work while they’re having high activity in theirs blogs.
— Authorities representatives in the web. We were talking about Federal Antimonopoly Committee microblog , http://turchak.ru
— Social media ecosystem creation. We had a great example in Sverdlovsk region with style differs from http://turchak.ru. There is no need to create your own platform , you can just use all relevant social media with your audience. You can setup an aggregation program for the opinions by the specified criteria. The current objective in Sverdlovsk region is 10x increase of IT-projects in the gross-product of region using the powerful resource of creating the lead-community of the business representatives and government in social media
— Monitoring of the efficiency of the officials in the web: Whe the RuNet is mostly negative, and how to convert negative into positive. Mistakes and the analytics of the practices.
— Aggregator projects and officials’ activity ratings in the web: Gosbook, Gospeople.

Before that event I didn’t even know that Stanislav Naumov has written the thesis on the blog significance. Now he is one of the most successful and effective bloggers. Moreover his blog format — deputy minister diary is very interesting from the point that there are legislative restrictions: Stanislav acts in the name of Ministry, that’s why he should be guided by the corporate ethics. Stanislav has very interesting style on Facebook – he actively comments his own posts and also his colleagues blog-posts too. He’s opinion in this – “I don’t think of blog about really effective tool, but it often much easier to ask a question in the morning and to have a feedback by the evening”.

On e-bureaucrat sections we had a discussion if the officials really need to have their own blog. We had a great case described by Openysheva Svetlana — “Looking for a Minister via Web”. My question was about negative wave on that news in Ulyanovsk region. Netizens don’t believe in such news, they think that it’s a farce and PR. How did the authorities struggle with that negative. What is the result of that case? Svetlana clearly described us why she didn’t consider it necessary to moderate the negative comments and why the information about hiring a Minister was placed in her own blog. And how they are trying to scale and multiply that practice.

I would also like to admit the introductory word of Ilya Ponomarev about crowdsourcing in laws’ issuing and the social media impact on the approach to the officials in the web. The core of the discussion is that previously the official had his “sacred” power, but now he act as the manager of the direction. The criteria of his effectiveness are completed projects which can be easily tracked back and discussed by the audience. As a result we have a new approach to personnel policy on various levels of the government.
The second section is my favorite – social projects in the web. What is it? Do they really work? Are they supported by the government? According to the logic – all countries around the world are actively using opendata system and civil engagement in the projects, so the people could create projects by themselves and the government doesn’t have to spend huge budgets for the project. They have a successful project in Washington D.C. named “Apps for DC» which was multiplied by the whole country. Code for America is also a good example of government an civil society. They have a logical business approach to those projects. But do we also have it in Russia? Yes we do.

This section is a challenge to all thing I do. I want to, I can and will develop these projects. I’m sure that the government and citizens are in need in such projects. The question is what is the quality and level of these projects and how the conversation with the authorities goes. I was very pleased that almost all of our round table was full by the people developing those projects. We’ve had a detail conversation about pros and cons of projects. At last we’ve developed a model mouthed by Ivan Begtin – “We shouldn’t involve government in the project. We must develop a good working model, then the authorities will be more than interested in the dialog with you”. Ivan is a creator of a lot of Gov2.0-projects and he is working by the exact same way.

Streetjournal.org is having a goof experience. It’s a clone of the foreign SeeClickFix. Alex did a project and then went to the Makar German with a cooperative proposal. In Izvestias before our E-gov he said a thesis: “We have a StreetJournal project, we haven’t invested a dime in it. But we have integrated all of our document management system in that project, and now we have much more appeals through streetjournal than through any other our project ever created”. Alexey Shaposhnikov reasoned that this project would be dead if the government wouldn’t respond. Since January 1, the law is coming into force that would make electronic treatments equal to the paper ones. So the government could support such projects or not but they have to respond on them. Therefore we need to multiply that project on different cities and towns of the country as much as possible.

Also we had an active discussion of crowdsourcing. Especially after the guys from Russian-fires.ru had a PremiaRuneta award. Grigoriy Asmolov had a very interesting attitude towards the different types of crowdsourcing project in the web.

To be continued…

Useful links

Ivan Begtin: Gov2Russia conference results

Ivan Begtin: Continuing the Gov2Russia conference

First eGov 2.0 conference videos

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